Monday, December 5, 2011

Ceilidh at the Irvines

This weekend I was lucky enough to head back up to the Highlands with a friend of mine. Leah and I spent the weekend at Angus' house (he is a boy we have met in our wonderful time here). It was a great weekend of Scottishness! We had mince meat pie, took some hikes and had a grand old time! The most memorable part was the Ceilidh though. It was someone's 21st birthday, and they had a big scottish dance. This is a video of my favorite dance step. Pretty much someone stands up and shouts dance steps and everyone that is dancing does them. THANK GOODNESS I had a scottish partner that just dragged me around, i didn't know ANY of them!
On sunday, we played legos all morning, really taking it back to the good old days! Then we went to their local bar and did a more civilized form of Scottish dance. They were preparing for the annual Aberfeldi ball. So we got to learn the classier and fancier moves of the scottish dance. Then we took the train ride home to eat a bunch of leftover thanksgiving food.

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