Thursday, September 29, 2011

Oktoberfest... 'nuff said

Wow what a weekend... Slept in the airport twice, (sorry i get scared i am going to miss my flight!) had a few steins of beer and throughly enjoyed life as a german! After arriving in the wrong airport i took a two hour bus to munich and luckily found my hotel and friends!!!
 The first morning we were there we were up with the sun to get a good spot in the tent (no joke 6:30) waited in line until 9:15 ish found ourselves a nice seat and had a 2 LITER stein in hand by 9:37! Wow!
 And that continued until 3:00 when the table was reserved for another party… and the wondering around the fest and Munich began… followed shortly by nap time! After that the strong few (just caroline and I) went back for more! Where we found a great bar where we were just going to sit and chat... that is until we found out that there was a bachelor party there and we, well we had a blast! We were pretty much the only ladies in the bar with a ton of absolutely hilarious European men! 
Sadly at 3:30 in the morning we had to start heading to the airport... so we dragged ourselves out of the bar and went to wake up the rest of the crew. We got to the airport seamlessly (in fact too seamlessly) and i had to sit (sleep) in the airport for 4 hours before my flight...
so to sum it up... all in all an EPIC trip

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