Wednesday, September 21, 2011


Maura and I went to the Chocolate society, which was epic. It was legit just two tables full of chocolate that you tried. I think I am going to like having joined this society! Then we had dinner at my house and went to biddy mulligans, which is a pretty popular and famous bar in Scotland. When we were there we met up with a bunch of other people from arcadia. It was so much fun, they were playing a bunch of American oldies. Then we went to the bar next door and met a bunch of Angus’ (a new Scottish friend) friends. They were sooo funny! They were just visiting for the weekend. So we hung out with them and went to siglo.
Today was a pretty low key day for me. I cleaned my room and got ready for classes to start!! Then I went to Leah’s flat for a BBQ, where I met up with Marua and then went to dinner with a friend of a friends from home. I had this incredible desert that was like a milk/crème yougurt jello thing. It was so good. Then we went to student’s mass. After that I fell quickly and deep asleep .
I didn’t have class today until late. So I had lunch with the girls at my flat, and welcomed Devlin back from Oktoberfest. Then I went to the gym and then to class. I met this really sweet girl from Oslo named Silja (Celia). I got my first text book (for history of art) and met the girls for a nice flaffle. Then we went to the wine tasting society. Where we sampled 9 different types of wine.
Went to my 10:00 class only to find that my professor (lecturer they we called here) didn’t show. So I hit the gym, made lunch and went and had a toasty (grilled cheese) at a friends flat. Then we went to our modern Scottish history class. After today I was pooped (who knows why..) but I went to bed early.

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